The Cameroonian women’s national rugby team, emerged winners of the opening game of the Rugby Africa Women’s Cup, by imposing an 8-0 score against their Ivorian counter parts on Friday,November 4,2022 at the Olembe Annex B Stadium.

It was indeed a difficult first half for the girls of head coach Alfred Daniel Bisso, who fell short of inspiration to concretize the numerous chances in due course of the game.

Captain Andrea Dirabou Kouassi and mates struggled hard, to end the first segment of the game on a zero-zero score against Cameroon on home soil.

Cameroon managed to secure her first five points at the 47th minutes, in the second segment of the game, thanks to her lead striker Maxime Priso Nding.

Captain Mimosette Mouto of Cameroon and mates played with much concentration and determination, to the extent that they succeeded in transforming a penalty for three points at the 67th minutes, there by raising the score to 8-0.

The inexperienced Ivorian side, played with much precipitation and were forced to commit huge errors, that could not lead them to victory.

The Cameroonian women’s rugby team shall take on Burkina Faso, on November 12 , 2022 at the Olembe Annex B Stadium. While, Ivory Coast lock horns against Burkina Faso in the West African derby on November, 9, 2022 at the Olembe Annex B Stadium.

As of now, South Africa and Kenya have booked a ticket for the World Women’s Rugby Championship, to take place in an unknown venue as of now.

While Cameroon,Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso are expected to battle hard, so as to joined the above-mentioned African nations.

By Brian Mboh