Players of the Cameroon Women’s Professional Football league,dubbed Guinness Super League have witnessed a 50% salary reduction in their monthly salary, following a communique made public by the Cameroon Football Federation on Friday, December 23,2022 issued in Yaounde.

Fecafoot’s SG communique had the following;

We have the honor to inform you that from the decision taken at the emergency meeting held on August 08, 2022 (…) concerning the salary of players in the professional championship, has partially been modified by resolution No. 4, bringing back the said salaries from 100 000 (one hundred thousand) FCFA to 50,000 (fifty thousand) FCFA for Guinness Super League players. The rest is unchanged”, a press statement from the league states.

There are no reasons forwarded to explain the reduction in salaries by the league, but it is certain that the mass exodus of players in the women’s Championship in Cameroon – is set to continue.

The FA Emergency Committee had sat on August 8,2022 and decided that players of the GSL were entitled to 100,000XAF . With Fecafoot to pay 50,000 Francs CFA. While the Sponsor completes her 50,000 Franc CFAF share.

But, the recent decision tabled by the LFFC league, has left many football pundits to reflect on the cost of living of these football makers, coupled with the high cost of living experienced by my Cameroonians these periods.

By Brian Mboh